Camogie League 2019 Roinn D
Co-ordinator: Pat Murphy, Tel: 051 381812
Group: 1
- Faithlegg
- Fenor
- Gaelscoil Philib Barún
Group: 2
- Newtown Ballydurn
- Rathgormack
- Clonea
Round: 1
Wednesday 10th April
Faithlegg v Fenor
Newtown Ballydurn v Rathgormack
Bye: Clonea; Gaelscoil Philib Barún
Round: 2
Wednesday 1st May
Fenor v Faithlegg
Clonea v Newtown Ballydurn
Bye: Fenor; Rathgormack
Round: 3
Wednesday 8th May
Fenor v Gaelscoil Philib Barún
Rathgormack v Clonea
Bye: Faithlegg; Newtown Ballydurn
Semi-finals: Wednesday 15th May
Top team from one group play the second placed team from the other group.
Top team in each group has home venue for Cup semi-final.
Third placed team from one group placed fourth placed team from other group.
Third placed team in each group has home venue for Shield semi-final.
Eastern Final: Wednesday 29th May
Venue: Walsh Park
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